High School: A four-year letter winner at Cibolo Steele High School, Hammonds joins the squad after a quarter of stellar seasons with the Knights that saw her collect a wealth of accolades … named second-team All-District 27-6A as a sophomore before earning District MVP honors as a junior … was a 2022-23 San Antonio Express-News 6A All-Area Super Team selection and a TABC All-Regional team member … led Cibolo to the 2021-22 Regional Quarterfinals and was crowned the 2022-23 Area Champions … clubbed at San Antonio Finest under coach Ray Caldwell. 

Personal: Studying mass communications at UTSA with the goal of becoming a broadcaster … daughter of Channell and Donnell Hammonds … has two siblings, Nasir and Donnielle … father played basketball collegiately for Virginia Wesleyan and Nasir for D'Youville.