Volleyball Web

Prep Career: Arroyave had a standout prep career in Colombia, where she clubbed with Envigado and competed for the Antioquia National … She's made several appearances with the Columbian senior team and helped the squad to a sixth-place finish at the Pan American Games in 2023 … With Antioquia, collected departmental championships in 2022 and 2023 while also winning gold medals in the 2023 VLIII National Minor Volleyball Championship, the 2023 VLVIII National Youth Volleyball Championship, and the 2022 Women's Minor National Championship … She was a silver medalist in the 2021 Women's Minor National Championship … Took bronze in the 2023 XXII National Sports Games … Also starred in the classroom, graduating eighth in her class at Teresiano School.

Personal: She is the daughter of Natalia and Andres Arroyave and has one brother, Samuel … Will study engineering at UTSA.